External Resources

General legal information

Legal Aid
Legal Aid Ontario
If you qualify financially and have a legal issue that LAO covers, they will help pay for a lawyer to represent you.
Legal Aid Ontario
Phone: 1.800.668.8258
Family Law Information Centre (FLIC)
Legal Aid Ontario continues to provide Family Law Information Clinic (FLIC) advice primarily virtually. Parties who need advice for a family law (or criminal law) issue can call the toll free number.
If it is determined that the party qualifies for legal advice after calling, or after speaking to the local family duty counsel in court, they will receive a call back advice session from an LAO family lawyer.
If it is determined that the party is not able to access legal advice in a meaningful way by phone, the qualifying client may be referred to local duty counsel for an in-person advice session by appointment. The in-person advice for identified vulnerable clients is a newly restored service and will be limited to only those who are identified by local duty counsel as needing these services due to limited resources.
Family Law Information Centres are free services available across Ontario that provide information about:
- Separation, divorce and related family law issues
- Child protection
- Family justice services
- Alternative forms of dispute resolution
- Local community resources
- Court processes
Family Law Information Centres
Phone: 1.800.688.8258
Niagara Community Legal Clinic
Address: 15 Burgar Street, Suite 100, Welland, ON. L3B 2S6
Niagara Community Legal Clinic
French services available
Phone: 905.682.6635